Lately it seems like everyone but me is boycotting Daiya products because the company is promoting the use of its products to lactose intolerant meat eaters. People are outraged. Seriously outraged.
I think I get it. But here's the thing: planet earth is full of meat eaters and that's not going to change in the foreseeable future.
By promoting Daiya products to a wider audience, the company could very well introduce vegetarianism and veganism to people who would never have given their food a second thought. But that's not why I'm not boycotting.
I'm not boycotting because every single consumer product in the world is produced by a company that does something objectionable. There's no way around it. There's no way in hell to boycott everything.
In the online discussions about this issue, other companies were mentioned. The "cruelty free" Tom's of Maine (which has been owned by Colgate-Palmolive since 2006) is supposedly okay (according to some), even though the parent company is notorious for vivisection in its product "testing." Why? Because Colgate-Palmolive doesn't market itself as pro animal rights. Wait, what?
So it's okay to buy from a company that tests on animals, but not okay to buy from a vegan identified company that is trying to expand its customer base. Gotcha.
This is making my head hurt. That is all.