Saturday, September 10, 2016

So let's just keep having amazing new experiences!

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Um, Heil Kitler?

I'm a big proponent of free speech. Even when I disagree with someone's ideas. Even when it's disgusting speech. So naturally, I tend to keep up with various government entities attempting to restrict what people can say - or sometimes even think. (A quick perusal of my Google Alerts would probably end with me being placed, sedated, in a padded room to wait for transfer to a reeducation camp.)

Usually these attempts at curtailing expression were done with good intentions. Since good intentions are the asphalt lining the road to hell, oftentimes the effects can be chilling. These effects can also be twisted hilarity.

The white supremacist blogosphere - and yes, there is actually is a such thing - is all atittle over an Austrian man being jailed and forced to apologize for posting pro Nazi sentiments on the internet.

Apparently, Austria does not consider a public trial to be a human right. The man's name wasn't released. (WTF?) He is only identified as a 38 year old man from a small town called  Flachau. I did several image searches trying to find out what exactly this anonymous miscreant had posted, but found nothing.

Well, nothing except for this.

Since everybody knows that cats everywhere are secretly plotting to once again rule the world, maybe the cat should be brought in for questioning?

Friday, September 09, 2016

Seeing this a lot lately....

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Saturday, September 03, 2016

Too tired to write anything witty, so here's a picture of Waffles in a laundry basket. You're welcome.

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Friday, September 02, 2016

Izzy playing dress up.

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Thursday, September 01, 2016

Woman Abuses Garbageman

Okay, so I have been sitting on the couch playing blocks with Lexi and doing some video editing.

I saw a video of a woman totally going off on her garbage man, and since I have wanted to learn how to work with video, I figured hey here's my chance.

I have also made a chicken noise ringtone because this woman does a damn good job of imitating a chicken. Want the ringtone? Shoot me an email -

Beautiful flower from Lexi.

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