Monday, September 18, 2017

South Park Moments

There are Malox moments, I need a Snickers moments; now allow me to introduce South Park moments.

Drum roll.....

Crazy things happen in the Baez house. Regular things with bad language also happen in the Baez house. This may be both of those things.

Anyone who has ever watched South Park should remember the "did you say the f word" episode. You don't? Here, watch this. I'll wait.

Okay, so today I drove the girls home from school instead of walking. All the cars were so backed up that the lane to turn left was taken up by people driving the wrong way to get to the pick up area. Naturally, I don't blame them, I'm a human too. But this meant we had to turn right out of the school and then drive almost aimlessly for a bit avoiding road work in strange places.

Naturally we broke into song. Specifically the following (sung to the tune of "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands):

If you're a nazi and you're fired
It's your fault!

If you're a nazi and you're fired
It's your fault!

You were spotted in the mob
Now you've lost your fucking job!

If you're a nazi and you're fired
It's your fault!

(I linked a video because you haven't lived until you've heard it sung.)

So on to tonight. Normal after dinner conversation. I started telling my mother (aka Grandma) about the drive home from school. When I came to the part about the song, the girls and I just started singing. This is the conversation immediately following:

Grandma: Don't get them to sing that bad word. That's horrible.

Izzy: Nazi?

Grandma: No! Not Nazi.

Me: She means "fuck."

Lexi: So not Nazi?

And that, dear readers (all 8 of you) is how our afternoon went. I never claimed to be appropriate for children.

Friday, January 27, 2017

FYI Friday - Ricky McCormick

Friday, January 20, 2017

FYI Friday

Zebras' stripes are likely related to the weather.

You're welcome.

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