Sunday, February 17, 2008

Post from childprotectionreform

This is a post I made on the Yahoo group childprotectionreform. This blog seems to have no organization whatsoever...There was so much I missed adding while I was medicated so much, so now I'm playing a year's worth of "catch-up."

This was a response to a fellow member whose mother had turned on her:

I can't imagine my mother turning on me.....My mother has always been my
strongest support. In my family's case it was my biological father and his
mother who accused us. Ironically, Herbert (that was his name) was not only a
serial adulterer, a deadbeat dad, and your basic redneck run-of-the-mill ass, he
was a juvenile court judge in Richmond County, Georgia. (The horror stories I
could tell.....he made national news some years ago when he took 2 children away
from their mother because the mother was a lesbian.) After he died at the end of
2006, my mother and I took his estate to court for the back child support. Due
to a technicality, had we gone to trial we would have lost, but his widow
settled with us because she was trying to hide assets from the IRS and I guess
she thought I could mess up her world if she didn't settle.

But I digress. I've said this before, and I think it's important to say this
again, mainly for the benefit of victims who are related to or know their
accusers: If there is a person in your life who has falsely accused you of
child abuse, or made comments as to how you must be guilty....GET RID OF THEM!
First of all, people like that are DANGEROUS to your family. Furthermore, it's
simply crazy to continue to allow someone who is dangerous to have access to
your family and information about your family. For some, it may be the
emotional equivalent of an amputation. Do it anyway.

Personally, I'm pretty cold and hard hearted. The decision was a no-brainer for
our family. I've never had any regrets....My mother and I opened a bottle of
champagne to celebrate each accuser's death. When Herbert died, a friend called
to tell me to turn on the news. The first words out of my mouth were, "Did
somebody finally kill him?"

I'm saying this publicly because I think this is so important. And I don't mind
saying personal things like this because sharing this shows that I've been
there. I'm not just giving advice with no personal knowledge of breaking ties
with family. I've been there.

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