July 14, 2008
AFRA not a "Competitor"
It has come to our attention that American Family Advocacy Center (AFAC) in Colorado is referring to American Family Rights Association (AFRA) as a "competitor".AFAC apparently claims to be a "for profit" organization offering "consulting" and "licensing of copyrighted intellectual property".
AFRA, a non profit ASSOCIATION of family rights advocates, interested individuals, and CPS victims, clearly has NEVER, and does NOT desire or intend to "compete" with AFAC.
Both AFRA member advocacy groups and non-member advocacy groups are perfectly free to operate on their own.
AFRA does NOT impose in any way on any family rights advocate, beyond the suspension of their AFRA membership if they commit egregious or unprofessional acts that injure clients or behavior that reflects poorly on AFRA. Even such suspended members are NOT "pursued", harassed, or defamed, or made victim of a character assassination.
If independent advocates WANT help from AFRA, we will provide what we can and only what we are asked to provide.
Stated as clearly and as succinctly as possible, AFRA, being an ASSOCIATION of family advocates, does NOT, and will never "compete" with any "family advocate" organization or individual, AFRA member or not, in any way, shape, or form.
American Family Rights Association
Tags: Dorothy Kernaghan-Baez, AFRA, family rights, twitter, cyber-dissident, tarot cards, psychic, DFACS, Georgia, politics