I have a pretty amazing story to share about something that happened this afternoon. It's taken me pretty much the whole night, off and on, to process it.
After school, Erica and Izzy were playing outside. Erica was playing with a little green plastic stegasaurus, appropriately named "Steggy."
When it was time to come in, Erica couldn't find Steggy. First we retraced her steps. Then we tried as close to a grid search as 2 people, one of them a 4 year old, could get.
When I told her it was getting dark and we'd have to call off the search for the night, she cried like her heart would break.
So, I suggested we ask Jesus to find Steggy for us. She agreed, and told Jesus in some detail how Steggy was a really wonderful dinosaur. I got the distinct feeling that we needed to stop looking, and go do her bath.
After the bath, she ran to her room to get her pajamas on. I handed them to her and she jumped up on her bed to put them on.
Guess who was on her pillow? If you guessed Steggy, you would be right. And there was no way any human could have put it there.
So, at the top of her lungs, Erica yelled, "Thank you, Jesus! I love you!"
I remember a passage in the Bible where it says that not even a sparrow falls without God knowing. So apparently God looks out for plastic dinosaurs, along with the little girls who sometimes misplace them.