Sunday, September 01, 2019

Rick Allen's Got To Go

Does it seem like politics is filled with self important pontificating reactionary asshats? Sure seems like it to me. Of course everyone knows about our fascist philanderer-in-chief, but there are some littler fish that are just as disturbing.

I'm sure by now you've heard of the amicus brief (written by Ken Starr....yes, that Ken Starr) that 58 members of Congress submitted to the Supreme Court in a set of similar cases dealing with workplace discrimination.

Rick Allen is one of the ones who signed the brief. By doing so, he is advocating discrimination against decent people just trying to earn a of whom, Gerald Bostock, is a fellow Georgian!

This kind of behavior makes Rick Allen unsuitable to represent the 12th District of Georgia in Congress. We need to make sure he doesn't get sent back to Washington in 2020.

I've never voted for him. Maybe some of my readers (all 10 of y'all) have voted for him in the past. Anybody who has voted for him, I hope you won't do it again.

I personally would vote for a demented possum before I would ever vote for him...especially now.
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