Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Donal O'Leary

Donal O'Leary has abused the criminal court system (not to mention innocent animals) by obtaining an un-Constitutional court order directing an activist to remove references to him from the internet. 
I am horrified that the taxpayers not only are forced to fund O'Leary's immoral activities, but also to fund his use of the police powers of the state of Michigan in his scandalous efforts to avoid the temporal consequences of his behavior.

I believe in sunshine. I believe in free speech.  That is my first reason for letting my fingers do the Googling to search out the information this vivisector wants to hide.  So here it is:

Donal O'Leary
Professor and Director of Cardiovascular Research
Wayne State University
4126 Scott Hall
540 East Canfield
Detroit, Michigan 48201

703 Lewiston Avenue
Ferndale, Michigan 48220

Now that I have stood up for free speech, I would like to say something that may make some people angry. Instead of sending hate mail or making late night phone calls, would you consider something really radical and even distasteful? Will you pray for him? Will you pray that God will touch his heart and that he will turn away from the evil he wades through every day? He has done terrible things. He has sinned. But we are all sinners in one way or another. We have all fallen short of the grace and peace that God offers us. We all need to reach for God....but the truth is that God is there, extending His hand to us. His arms are long enough to reach us no matter how we fail to do right. He forgives us when we ask Him.

Jesus said we are to love our enemies and bless those who curse us. I have always prayed for the animals trapped in slaughterhouses and vivisectors' labs, and I've tried my best to help animals (and humans) who suffer. But I have refused to give more than lip service to a major tenet of my faith. I have refused to even consider that God loves Donal O'Leary and others like him. I have fallen short. So, starting today I will make a point to pray for this man. I will ask God to cut the hate out of my heart. I will still fight evil and cruelty, as well as those who are evil and cruel. This includes Donal O'Leary. But I will try my best to be a righteous fighter instead of just a fighter.
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