Serial torturer Frank Ervin wants more monkeys to suffer
Tortured by Frank R. Ervin
McGill University
178 Selby
Montreal, Quebec H3Z1W7
Phone: 514-398-7324
Fax: 514-932-0693
Position: Professor
McGill University
178 Selby
Montreal, Quebec H3Z1W7
Phone: 514-398-7324
Fax: 514-932-0693
Position: Professor
Areas of interest: Brain and behavior, Husbandry
Species of interest: Chlorocebus aethiops (grivet)
Species of interest: Chlorocebus aethiops (grivet)
Posted by PeTA
Ervin wants the U.S. to buy even more monkeys
to experiment on, since, in his opinion, the monkeys are “agricultural
predators” because they sometimes eat farmers’ crops. We’re sure that’s
the reason he wants the U.S. to purchase the animals, not because of
the profit that he stands to make. The Animal Rights Foundation of
Florida (ARFF) has launched an initiative
against importing the monkeys from St. Kitts, including sharing that
St. Kitts’ own Ministry of Agriculture advocates for spaying and
neutering and strategically placed feeding stations to control the
monkey population and keep them away from crops.
One U.S. buyer of monkeys from St. Kitts is the Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground, which torments the monkeys in cruel and archaic chemical casualty training exercises. You can help end these torturous exercises and prevent the government from stuffing Ervin’s pockets by asking your senators and representatives to take action to end Aberdeen’s monkey laboratories.
Follow the student-vivisector & animal-experimentation campaigns at the University of Florida HERE.
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