Monday, July 30, 2012

Doc McStuffins - Lola's Review

My granddaughter Isabella spends a lot of time here at Chez Baez, and my mother and I use the DVR to pre-record different TV programs that we think she would enjoy.  Izzy has certain shows she loves and watches over and over.  And over. And over.  And...well, you get the idea.

Yesterday, my niece Kennadee (age 5) spent some time here and recommended a Disney show called "Doc McStuffins."  (Even though Izzy is just 2, she prefers shows with plots - so her preferences are for shows you might think would be a little old for her.)  Well, both girls sat down to watch, and Izzy was entranced.

Izzy was still entranced when she watched our one recorded episode again. (Gulpy Gulpy Gators) Here's proof:
She didn't move at all until it was over.  At all.  (Neither did Grandma, who fell asleep!)

So yeah, this is a show that gets Lola's* Seal of Approval. Here's the premise: A little girl who wants to be a doctor spends her play time being a doctor to broken toys.  She's really good at it too, and other reviewers have commented that the show can help ease children's anxiety about visits to the doctor.  "Doc" also encourages good health habits inside the story line, without being lame or annoying.  In the above mentioned episode, "Doc" and her brother played a game of "Gulpy Gulpy Gators" (a sort of generic version of Hungry Hungry Hippos) and one of the alligators eats too many marbles and then feels sick.  So we learn not to overeat....or in my case, that I shouldn't overeat because who really needs a 5th piece of cornbread?

Check it out....I promise you will be glad you did!

*Lola is "grandma" in Tagalog.  Since my older son's biological mother was Filipino, and my mom was already "grandma," Lola made sense.  Izzy doesn't do her "L's" too well yet, so it often sounds like "Yo-Ya," but we'll leave that for another day.

Eric Raemdonck

Oh, how to begin.....Okay, I'll start with some great news:  Eric Raemdonck,  pro-vivisection employee of the International Air Transport Association has the following to say about how successful campaigns targeting the companies who transport animals actually are:

"When confronted with animal extremists, Airlines (sic) simply opt out from animal transportation and that is good for no one, except animal use abolitionists. Sad but true." (Emphasis mine.)

Personally, I think that I think it's some pretty goddamn good news that  we have been so effective in convincing companies that taking blood money  is a bad thing.

Eric has a blog where he spews shit opines  about Animal Enterprise "Terrorism" and tries to sound like a reasonable human being.  Gotta stop the terr-ists, doncha know.  I find it interesting that he writes that the only ones to benefit from anti-vivisection campaigns are the anti-vivisectionists.  Eric doesn't even  consider that the animals involved are even worth mentioning.  I am not surprised - this is a typical example of the beliefs and behavior of people who make their livings off the blood and screams of innocent victims who have no real hope of ever escaping or fighting back.

So, without further ado, here is the contact information for Eric.  Please note that it is important to be civil.  Well, okay, as civil as one can be when contacting a douchebag and asking him to stop being a douchebag.

Eric Raemdonck
800 Place Victoria
P.O. Box 113
Canada H4Z 1M1. 
Tel +1 514 390 6761
Fax +1 514 874 2660
Work Website:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yet another cool church sign

This was taken today at Pierce Memorial Methodist Church on Jackson Road here in Augusta.  I love it.

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