Thursday, August 29, 2019

Amazon Fires

Okay, here's a super simple work to help the Amazon rainforest with the fires. I decided to call down rain to put out the fires.

Weather work is new to me, but as you can see, I try to keep things simple - there's no reason to try to make it look fancy, just the minimum to do the job.

Here's what you'll need:

A map of South America, or at least of the Amazon jungle. (I just printed one from Google maps.)

3 seashells. Or little dishes if you don't have any. (I chose seashells because of the water link.)

2 candles.

Storm water. (If you don't have any, I guess regular water is okay, but try to get the storm water because this is to call a storm.)

A little spray bottle.

Lay the things out like the picture shows. Pour a little storm water in the middle shell (it's okay to spill it) and put a candle in the shells on either side.

See the rainforest on fire. Visualize rainstorms dropping enough water to put the fires out.

Once you have this in your head, light the candles. Now, see water, rainstorms, clouds bursting into downpours. Know that it's happening.

Then use the spray bottle to spritz the candles out.

This can be repeated over and over. It can be redone as soon as the candles are dry. I aim for about once an hour or so. You can leave it set up. I put mine on the dining room table because in my house that's like Grand Central Station - the more people participating, the better! Just leave the water, spray bottle, and a lighter close by so people can take a minute to add their energy as they walk through.

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